Jerónimo Bosia: ”Ringo era un sudamericano que daba la vida en cada pelea” 

  Después de dedicarse durante tres lustros a las artes marciales, Jerónimo Bosia encarna al popular boxeador Oscar Bonavena en la biopic “Ringo. Gloria y muerte” acompañado de un prestigioso elenco  Texto: Adrián Melo  Oscar Natalio “Ringo” Bonavena (1942-{1976) pertenece a esa reducida estirpe de deportistas elevados al cielo de héroes populares que marcan una […]

#SalvemosALasGallinas: campaña busca crear consciencia sobre los animales más explotados de la industria

Veganuary, la organización que invita a probar el veganismo durante enero está detrás de la iniciativa, que también es respaldada por celebridades de varios países de Latinoamérica como la modelo argentina Mariana Marino. Santiago de Chile, 7 de abril – Este pasado lunes arrancó la campaña #SalvemosALasGallinas, iniciativa lanzada por Veganuary –organización internacional que promueve el veganismo y sus […]

Metal Detectors the Norm at Schools and Ballparks State Capitols

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

I.R.S. Website Crashes on Tax Day as Millions Tried to File Returns

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Queen Elizabeth Publicly Supports Prince Charles for the First Time

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Ending the Silence Around the $99 Billion Global Sex Slavery Market

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Shopping High-Fashion Paris on the Cheap

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

A Nashville Spot Serving Bar Food That Is Anything but Standard

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

The Humble Potato Is Exalted in the Mountains of Peru

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]