Cómo salir de la trampa del modelo de desarrollo en 3 capas

“No podemos cambiar nada porque estamos en freeze” y “Los nuevos desarrollos requieren que primero terminemos la actualización del core”, son razones frecuentes que se escuchan en las grandes organizaciones para explicar por qué -a pesar de contar con recursos monetarios- no es posible avanzar con el desarrollo de nuevas funcionalidades para los usuarios. Para […]

Abuso de inmobiliarias

En exposición ante la Comisión de Vivienda del Senado. Organizaciones acusan a inmobiliarias de traspasar a los compradores las responsabilidades que impone la ley a mega loteos ·      El martes 27 de septiembre expusieron en la Cámara Alta la Corporación Privada para el Desarrollo de Aysén y la Asociación Regional Ambiental de O’Higgins, en representación de […]

Villorrio 108

Pablo es un adolescente de 17 años, quien vive junto a su hermano mayor, Víctor, y su tía, Ema, en una antigua casa del popular Villorrio 108. Pero cada noche los ruidos invaden el hogar de la familia: el techo, la madera del piso, el golpeteo de las ventanas, o los crujidos de la escalera […]

Google India’s New ‘Posts’ Feature Lets Verified Users

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

China’s phone market is now dominated by five

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Netflix exec to Danny Masterson accuser We don’t

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

This balloon-powered internet is helping Peru during

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Obama is returning to his roots by announcing

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Joe Biden and Lady Gaga made a powerful statement

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]

Obama is returning to his roots by announcing new

I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I was fourteen. The […]