Gloria Camiroaga

Conversamos con Cristián Hidalgo, productor ejecutivo de la recientemente premiada película que rescata el legado de la artista visual Gloria Camiruaga. “Por fin tus huellas” acaba de ganar el “Premio Válvula Films” en el marco del 7º SANFIC Lab, encuentro de industria del Festival de Cine. Por Nicolás Poblete Pardo Gloria Camiruaga es una de […]

Facebook’s fundraisers now help you raise money

[padding right=”4%” left=”4%”] I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I […]

Kids narrate the tough parts of growing up in cheeky

[padding right=”4%” left=”4%”] I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I […]

Facebook is making it easier to see how people

[padding right=”4%” left=”4%”] I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I […]

YouTube debuts inspiring Pride Month video to highlight

[padding right=”4%” left=”4%”] I recently had the enviable task of reading nearly every story Richard Matheson ever wrote and selecting 33 tales to be included in Penguin Classics’ The Best of Richard Matheson. This turned out to be like stepping into a time machine, transported back to the age when I started reading him. I […]